M.i.h jeans

M.i.h. jeans is a heritage denim brand established in 1969 in West London and inspired by the ‘70s, counterculture and California. Our founders bonded over a love of sustainability + the Golden State and we worked together as part of M.i.h’s lifecycle of a jean project to produce a refresh spray for their premium denim - designed to reduce the carbon + water involved in washing clothes by prolonging the distance between washes.

Inspired by M.i.h’s belief in creating jeans that are made to last and leave the lightest footprint on the earth and learning that frequent laundering is detrimental to high quality denim, we developed a naturally derived, biodegradable + non-toxic spray to liberate jeans from the cycle of water washing.

Essential oils + fragrant botanicals were chosen for their antibacterial + fabric protective qualities and included cedarwood, spearmint + cardamom. A touch of sandalwood was included as a nod to Los Angeles and the formula was housed in a 250ml amber glass bottle.

This product is no-longer in production however we do receive e-mails periodically asking for its return - never say never!